
Funding a Kojo project

Indian Rupee based CSR funding, other donations*, and FCRA based foreign funding – are powerful ways to bring the benefits of Kojo/coding to children across Bharat/India through projects – to enable them to learn essential skills for the 21st century, aligned with NEP 2020.

For Kojo, REACHA is Kogics Foundation’s exclusive Implementation, Assessment & Certification Partner with regard to the above. Mentorship for these projects is provided by Lalit Pant, the Kojo Creator and Lead Developer.

If you want to fund a project in this area, please send an email to

(*) Excluding the Kojo Roots project that the Trustees run through self-donations, and support from family & friends.

Nothing on this page is meant to prevent any individual or organization from freely using Kojo as per the terms of its open source license.